Sunday, September 14, 2008

Giving and Receiving


Thanks to Venkata Meesaala

Giving and Receiving


A woman approached Sister DaVilla. It could be seen from the clothes she wore that she was very poor. She walked without shoes, and her feet were very dirty. On her head she carried a bowl of warm, perfumed water. Slowly, without saying anything, she removed the Sister's sandals and very carefully began wrapping the Sister's feet with perfumed cloth. She continued working for about half an hour, as a crowd gathered in the courtyard of the slum where she lived.


Indignant voices could be heard. "Why is she doing that? ""What a waste! The poorest among us caring for someone who should care for her instead!"" Is she crazy? What does she hope to accomplish?"" Sister DaVilla, don't you have anything to say?"


The Sister raised her hand to hush the crowd. She was known and respected in the slum, and had dedicated her life to the poor who lived there. "Let her be," Sister DaVilla said. "What she is doing is beautiful. This woman may be the poorest among you, but she still has something to offer. She is giving me the very best of herself, and at the same time she is taking too. Do you think I dedicate my life to helping you without receiving any thing in return? No one, not even the greatest saint, can keep pouring love down on people without someone bringing them water to fill their well from time to time."


If you keep spending on others without keeping count, do you think they will have much regard for your physical and spiritual health? Start by respecting yourself, and you will discover that others respect you more! Follow the example of Sister DaVilla. Accept the thanks you receive after serving others. It is necessary to renew your energy from time to time in order to keep giving the very best of yourself.


You will never give your best if you ignore this simple bit of advice: You can't keep withdrawing money from your bank account if you never make deposits!  We have to receive in the same spirit as we give.

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